
Monday, September 1, 2014

Updated Room

I've been meaning to post updated pictures of my room, but you know how the beginning of school gets. I've been completely swamped! Also, I plan on moving my blog sometime in the near future, so I didn't want to add too much to it.

Anyway, here are some pictures of my updated classroom.

My wonderful husband helped my get this shelf ready. It's an old metal shelf that I bought at a garage sale at the beginning of the summer. It was tan with an ugly particle board top. My husband spray painted it. Then, we put this chevron contact paper that I bought on Amazon on the back. I think it turned out pretty good.

Once again, I organized my mentor texts.

I bought these cool dry erase magnetic labels at Educational Outfitters. I think they'll help me locate my books a little easier.

I bought this storage system at Ikea. I'll use the black and red tubs to store our classroom supplies. The green and white tubs will be for games, indoor recess activities, and task cards.

This is our classroom library area. I also covered my desk with the leftover contact paper. I put magnetic Boggle letters on my desk for my students to use when they're "finished".

I added dry erase circles to my small group table (I got them at Family Dollar super cheap). I divided my bulletin board in half. The left will be for student work and the right will be for anchor charts.

Finally, here is my POP STARS bingo board. I got the idea from Mrs. Fultz's Corner. I'm hoping it will be a great incentive for my students to turn in their homework.

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