
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Summer Memory Setting with Legos

At the end of the school year, my principal purchased a class set of the new Lego Story Builder sets. I have 5 boxes of these awesome Legos along with the curriculum. I decided that we would give it a try this past week. I knew my students would absolutely love them.

Before the end of class on Wednesday, I read Wilfred Gordon McDonald Patridge by Mem Fox. I told each class that for homework, they had to think of a memory from this summer.

When they came in on Thursday, I introduced the Lego sets. They were ecstatic! They spent the class period building the setting for their summer memory. I was able to walk around and talk to each one about what they did over the summer.

It was interesting to hear what each student chose as their memory.

At the end of class, we had a time of sharing. So, each student could share their creation and what the setting for their memory was.

On Friday, we began writing our summer memories.

I'll be sharing more about the Legos as the year goes on. So far, they have been a big hit!

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