
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Biography Unit

A few weeks before Christmas break, we started a biography unit. They worked with a partner for this study. I tried to put my students with someone they didn't know very well or didn't hang around with. They then, interviewed their partner using a packet I provided with interview questions. This took about 2 class periods.

After they interviewed their partner, we headed to the computer lab. Here, they typed their partner's name around 15 times and other words to describe their partner 1-10 times and created a word cloud using ABCya's website here. I chose this website because it was kid friendly, easy to use, and I could save their word clouds to print out and display later.

Then, they created a foldable about their partner. We made trifold foldables out of the 12x18 white construction paper.

On the front cover, they glued their word cloud and wrote their partner's first, middle, and last name. They could decorate the cover if the chose.

On the inside, they had to draw a portrait of their partner. They created a square foldable that they wrote 4 questions on the outside and answered them on the inside. On the top left and right, they created a flipbook foldable for 3 questions. Then, below those the created a booklet for their more in depth questions. They had to answer these in complete sentences.

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