
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Mission # 6 - Adverb Word Cloud Part 2 and Adverb Charades

To finish up our word clouds, we spent two days in the computer lab. I created an account on Tagul just for school. The students used their planning page to create their word clouds.

We made sure the verb was big by assigning it a higher number, like 4 or 6.

They were able to choose their shape, colors, layout, and font. They really loved this activity.

Also, during Eagle Time that week, we played Adverb Charades.

Students drew a sentence out of the bag. The sentences had a blank where the adverb went. I wrote the sentence on the board, and then they drew an adverb out of another bag. Their job was to get their team to guess the adverb. If they got it, they received 2 points. If they guessed a synonym, they received 1 point. They had to guess within 2 minutes.

They had a blast with this game!

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