
Sunday, June 8, 2014

End of the Year Gifts and Last Day of School

The end is here!

Thursday, June 5th, was our end of the year awards. I gave them their end of the year gift before the awards. I had saved the originals for all of their published work throughout the year. I put it all in a folder for their writing portfolio.

Inside 4th grade writing portfolios

I had parent volunteers type up everyone's poetry, so every student had the entire 4th grade's poems in their portfolio. I also gave my homeroom students framed word clouds of their name and adjectives that describe them.

Friday was our last day of school. It was a half day, so I packed it full of fun.

First, I told everyone to wear their mustaches the last day of school. Here are the ones who did.

Picture of 4th graders with their spy mustaches on.

Then, we started playing Minute to Win It games. I found all the games on Pinterest.

Spare Me:

Using pool noodles, students roll a marble through the noodle to knock down 2 highlighters a few feet away. The first one to knock them both down wins.

Minute to Win It game using pool noodles and markers.


In this game, students try to completely unravel two rolls of toilet paper. They take the ends of each  roll, one in each hand, and unravel them with their arms. The first one done wins.

Minute to Win It game where students unravel rolls of toilet paper

Bite Me:

Students must transfer a paper bag, cut into various sizes, to the other side of the room using only their mouths. I used a pool noodle for the dividing line. The first one to get them all across the line in a minute wins.

Minute to Win It game where students move parts of a paper bag with their mouths

Crusty Head:

Using a paper plate tied with yarn on their heads, students try to toss tortillas and catch them on the plate. The one with the most tortillas wins.

Minute to Win It game where students toss a tortilla onto a plate on their head.

Stack Attack:

Students try to stack 28 cups on a pyramid shape. The first one done wins.

Minute to Win It game where students stack plastic cups in a pyramid.

This Blows:

Each student has a balloon. They must blow up the balloon and use the air to push their cup across the table. The first one to the end wins.

Minute to Win It game where students use a balloon to blow a cup across a table.

Yank Me:

In this game, student must stack 4 cups in a tower shape with an index card in between each cup. Once they have their tower, they must yank out their index cards to make a stack. I think this was the hardest game we played.

Minute to Win It game where students stack cups with index cards in between, then yank the cards out to create a stack.

A Bit Dicey:

Using a Popsicle stick in their mouths, students had to stack 6 dice in a tower on top of their stick. The one to either stack them all or stack the most, wins.

Minute to Win it game where students stack dice on top of a Popsicle stick in their mouths.

Cotton Ball Race:

Using a straw, students had to blow cotton balls into a cup at the end of the table. The one with the most in their cup wins.

Minute to Win It game where students use a straw to blow cotton balls into a cup.

Suck it Up:

Using a straw, students sucked up a Skittle (or M&M) and moved it from one plate to another. The one with the most at the end of a minute wins.

Minute to Win It game where students use a straw to move Skittles from one paper plate to another.

Cup Bounce:

Students bounced a ping pong ball into one of their three cups on the table.The one with the most in their cups in a minute wins.

Minute to Win It game where students bounce ping pong balls into cups.

Noodling Around:

Students had to stack 6 penne pasta onto a spaghetti noodle. They had to keep the spaghetti noodle in their mouth and could not use their hands.

Minute to Win It game where students try to stack penne pasta onto a spaghetti noodle in their mouth.

Sharp Shooter:

Four playing cards (2 for each student) were set up at the end of the table. I used clothes pins to stand them up. Students then had to shoot their two cards down with rubber bands.

Minute to Win It game where students knock down playing cards using a rubber band.

Defying Gravity:

Students had to keep a balloon in the air for a minute using only their heads. We tried using hands first, but it was too easy.

Minute to Win It game where students keep a balloon in the air using only their head.

There were a few games that we played that I didn't get good pictures of.

Going Fishing:

Students had to fan a tissue paper fish into a paper plate at the other end of the room. They used a small paper plate to fan the fish. The first one to accomplish this wins.

Keep It Up:

Students had to move a feather to the other side of the room and into a bucket by blowing it. They could not use their hands.

Pencil Toss:

Students had to toss unsharpened pencils from behind their back and catch them in their hands. This one was really tricky.

I had a prize table at the back of the room for the winners. Since I had enough games, everyone got to play twice. It was so much fun and a great way to end the year!

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