
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mission #5 - Adverb Scavenger Hunt

Hello All,

We are having such a blast with this Spy Unit!

On Tuesday, we moved on to Mission #5. Before I gave them their mission, I did a minilesson on adverbs. Our principal recently bought us a Mimio. So, we now have 1 per grade level. Since I was the first to get it installed, I've been using it every day. It is wonderful! I downloaded an adverb lesson from their website. It was called Adverbs Rock! There were so many activities included in it that each student got to use the Mimio at least once. They loved it!

After the lesson, I gave them their envelopes containing their next mission. Once again, the students had to decode it.

Their mission was to use the books at their table for an Adverb Scavenger Hunt. I just pulled about 8 picture books per table. They had a paper they used to hunt for the adverbs and they were even able to use one of their disguises from their Spy Kit.

They really caught on to adverbs and were able to find some really good ones.

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