
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mission #4 - Spy Adventure Story

This week, my students received Mission #4. I gave them their mission on Tuesday. First, they had to decode the message.

A 4th grade student is decoding the Mission #4 message for our Spy Writing Unit.

For this mission, students had to plan and write a story based on a past spy experience. It could not contain any information about "The One", since that is their current mission. They were given a planning page to help them prepare their story.

A student is using the Spy Adventures Planning Page to plan a spy story.

Once they completed their planning page, they were able to start their rough draft.

A student is beginning her spy story rough draft.

For the revising and editing, they used a checklist that I had up on the Mimio. Then, they got with a partner and read their paper aloud to each other. They also helped edit each other's papers.

2 students are editing their spy stories together.

Some started publishing on Friday. They will wrap up their mission tomorrow and we will move on to Mission #5.

Overall, I've been very impressed with the stories I've read so far. They have put more thought and effort into this writing piece than any other piece we've had all year. I can't wait to share their stories with you.

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