
Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentine's Day

For our Valentine's Day party every year, our wonderful room mom's prepare huge sugar cookies for our student's to decorate. They provide icing and tons of sprinkles. The kids have a blast!

Also, it is tradition in the 4th grade hall for the students to bring boxes that they have decorated. These boxes are to hold all their Valentines. Each class votes on the box in their room that they think is the best. The room mom's also provide 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes for the winners. Below are the winners from my homeroom.

This year, 1st place went to a Duck Dynasty themed box. 2nd place was a monster and 3rd place was a shark.

These are pictures from another homeroom.

(a minion)

(Duck Dynasty)

We never know what kind of boxes we'll end up with. We also tour each homeroom to see all the wonderful boxes. We always have so much fun on Valentine's.


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