
Monday, June 17, 2013

Tall Tales Part 1

The  last few weeks of school, we started tall tales. It took two days to introduce them. I started with a prezi which you can find here. Then, I had two pieces of chart paper with two columns on each piece. The first page had Characteristic(s) and  Exaggerations written in each column. The second page had Problem(s) and Solution(s) written in each column. Then, for the next two days, I read tall tales to them. We started with The Bunyans by Audrey Wood. We filled in the information as we went. Next, we read Big Jabe by Jerdine Nolen and Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind Crockett by Steven Kellogg. You can see the charts filled out below.

Monday, I had them make two columns in their Writer's Notebooks. They labeled the first column Real Characteristics and the second column Exaggerated Characteristics. They brainstormed real and exaggerated characteristics for their own tall tale character.

Tuesday, they used a character planning sheet that I created (using one I found on Pinterest here as a template). You can download my template here. My students created their own tall tale character using the template.

On Wednesday, I used a Prezi that you can find here to introduce the Tall Tale Menu. The students were able to choose one project from the menu to use their tall tale character. You can get the menu here.

I created planning pages for most of the choices. You can download them below:

I found a postcard online and enlarged it. For the comic strip, I found a lesson on Teacher Created Resources and downloaded it. It came with some great templates that I gave the kids. I searched for a storyboard and found one on this website I liked.
They each chose the project they wanted to do and began their rough drafts.

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