Quotation Marks

A couple of weeks ago we worked on quotation marks. We did a lot of different activities in class to practice.

I introduced the lesson by reading Limelight Larry by Leigh Hodgkinson. This book is filled with a lot of dialogue and the kids get a kick out of the story.

Then, I wrote sentences containing dialogue on the white board and had the students add punctuation. I made my own magnetic punctuation. I just bought magnetic sheets on Ebay that you can print on. They're Staples brand and they work great!


This is my wonderful student teacher doing the lesson with one of my classes. As a student finishes adding the punctuation, the class will give a thumbs up if they think she's right or a thumb's down if they think she's wrong.

Later, we also created sentences with quotation marks in small groups. They had premade cards with the sentence written on them and cards with punctuation. They had to create the sentence and hold it up for the rest of the group to check. I found this idea on Pinterest.

I also used part of a quotation packet I found on the blog Young Teacher Love. She has her dialogue unit for free. You can get it here.

You can download my Magnetic Punctuation on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Click here to download.



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