Mission #7, Mission #8, and the Big Reveal

Wow! I can't believe we're done with our spy unit! Last week, my students received Mission #7. This was a group persuasive project and each group had a different mission. They wore their disguises as they read about their mission.

Scientists wrote an email to a colleague trying to convince them to help with the formula.

Pirates created a Help Wanted poster trying to recruit new pirates.

Help Wanted Ad for pirates, persuasive activity

Chefs created a Grand Opening sign encouraging people to come to their restaurant.

Ninjas wrote a letter to a friend asking him/her to join their ranks as a ninja.

Persuasive letter from one ninja to another, convincing him to join forces

Circus performers created a flyer for their circus encouraging people to come see their acts.

Persuasive circus flyer promoting circus acts

Mission #8 came with a text message from "The One." I used iFaketext to create the message.

Students had to write a letter to "The One," convincing him or her to start creating missions in Salado, their hometown. First, we brainstormed some good reasons to start here.

Then, they used the rough draft page to begin writing their letter.

Finally, after revising and editing with a partner, they published their letter on notebook paper.

Persuasive letter convincing the super-villain, "The One," to begin evil plot in students' hometown.

The next day, I revealed the identity of "The One." It turns out that our super-villain is really our principal. Needless to say, they were all shocked.

Since they had been such good spies, I awarded them each with a Super Spy certificate and a stick on mustache. They were most excited about the mustache.

This has to be the best unit I've ever done! The complete unit is now available on Teachers Pay Teachers. Head on over to get yours.

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