Clue #2 and Mission #6 - Adverb Word Cloud Part 1

Before we began Mission #6 on Thursday, I gave them their second clue about "The One." I used Domo Animate to make a short cartoon.

In it, the character (another agent), tells the students that a letter has been intercepted from "The One". This is how we discover that "The One" is from Texas.

They were so surprised. I was I had recorded their reactions.

After the clip (and our spelling test), I gave them Mission #6. They had to use their mirrors to read the message.

For this mission, they had to pick a verb that their undercover character would do. Then, come up with adverbs to go with it. We brainstormed some verbs for each of the five identities.

Then, I pulled up the adverb list on the Mimio.

They could used one of the verbs on the board or choose one of their own. I gave them each a Word Cloud Planning page. They will use this page on Monday in the computer lab to create their word cloud.

I can't wait to see how they turn out!

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