So, after spending a couple of days in my room over the summer, I didn't think I had much left to do to get it ready for the start of school. I was gravely mistaken. I spent several hours on it yesterday afternoon getting it ready for our Stash Your Stuff this evening. I think it turned out nicely, though. Let me give you a quick tour.

This is a picture of my room from the door. The back wall is my Word Wall.

This is where I keep all my student resource materials. Also, students turn their work into the tray that corresponds to their class period. I use the colored magazine holders to keep their uncompleted or missing assignments. I usually write their names on a sticky note so they can quickly check to see if they are missing anything. The white tubes is where they turn in their Writer's Notebooks and Handwriting Notebooks for review/grading.

I have my students sign in every day. The sign-in sheets kept on the clipboards. I've colored coded each class period, so they grab the clipboard for their class. I have other resources for them to use in their writing and paper for their daily warm-ups.

The files on the wall are used for their drafts. This keeps them from losing them before publishing.

I display their work on the bulletin board. I have enough places for 5 per class. I also have an Author's Chair in the left corner that's not shown.

This is my reading and seat work corner.

Finally, my giant Word Wall. I used black felt for the background. When I add words, I laminate them and add velcro to the back. This makes it easy to add, move, or remove the words. They are also color coded (my sensory detail words are pink).

So, my room is ready to receive students and their parents. Yea!

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